Sorry for posting a bit late, this was announced a few days ago (still time to enter though!). It’s possible this may be the last lottery. They have already announced that the general sale will be on September 28th at 10AM (same link as the lottery).
A few days after the 4th lottery opened, they finally announced who the “TBD” Support artist would be, Bring Me The Horizon.
Lottery Details
From: Tuesday, September 10th at 1PM (Japan time)
Until: Tuesday, September 17th at 11:59PM (Japan time)
Lawson (lottery) Link
- It’s all in Japanese, so I’d recommend using a browser with built-in translation (like Google Chrome).
- Choose to pay with credit card. And when they ask delivery method, choose convenience store pick up, NOT delivery.
- When asked to input your name, you have to put it in Full-width, so use this converter.

Bring Me The Horizon is the “Special Guest Band” at the shows.
Saitama Super Arena (SSA)
Date: November 16th (Saturday)
Doors 5PM / Show 6:30PM
Date: November 17th (Sunday)
Doors 3:30PM / Show 5PM
Osaka-Jo Hall
Date: November 20th (Wednesday)
Doors 5:30PM / Show 7PM
Date: November 21st (Thursday)
Doors 5:30PM / Show 7PM
Ticket Details
MOSH’SH PIT (Arena standing)
- Price: ¥11,000
- 2 tickets per entry
MOSH’SH SEAT (Reserved seating)
- Price: ¥11,000
- 2 tickets per entry
Other Ticket Details
For all tickets: Your block/seat number will be informed at the entrance of the venue. For mosh pit: Children under elementary school are NOT permitted.
For seats: Children under the age of 3 years old are NOT permitted.
- If you enter right now or before the deadline, it is the same thing. No need to rush.
- As this is a lottery, remember that it’s possible you can lose.
- If you win, you cannot refuse your ticket, you must pay for it (if you don’t your name will be “blacklisted”). Please only enter if you know you can go, as they are hard to get.
- Information on pick up, merch and entry will be shared a week before the shows.
- If you have any issues email Lawson Ticket Information Desk (Include your Name, Reservation Number and/or Phone Number when making an inquiry.)
Other General Information
BABYMETAL in Japan guide
General Japan travel tips
Travelling tips these shows (BM related stuff to do, where to stay, etc.)