This issue contains a 2 page review of the upcoming “LEGEND – METAL GALAXY” set, as well as the answer from 100 artists, including SU-METAL and MOAMETAL, to the question “What is the best live show you have experienced or seen in their entire life?”.

Plus, as always, there is a little BOH ramen column.
Release date: August 18th
Price: ¥1,430
Purchase Link: Amazon Japan
Note: magazine is in Japanese
Their answers are:
- SU-METAL: Rammstein, Rock in Vienna 2016
- MOAMETAL: KoRn, The Serenity of Summer Tour 2017
BABYMETAL was with KoRn for that tour of the US West Coast (including Head playing Gimme Chocolate at the last show).
They say more in the actual magazine itself.