Quick Japan Vol. 153 Contains A BABYMETAL Interview
SU-METAL and MOAMETAL were interviewed for the latest Quick Japan issue.
SU-METAL and MOAMETAL were interviewed for the latest Quick Japan issue.
Cover, interview, photoshoot, and more!
Over 100 pages of content!
Releases December 10th.
It releases on December 22nd and features an interview with SU-METAL, MOAMETAL, KOBAMETAL, and MIKIKOMETAL.
It will be broadcast on “NHK General” between 23:15 and 25:15 hs.
This guide explains all the content that comes with it, listing every album version, every pre-order bonus, etc. Find the full info below.
Su and Moa’s quotes appeared in Metal Hammer 341, an issue dedicated to Judas Priest’s 50th Anniversary.
200 pages dedicated to the anniversary. Su, Moa, and Koba interview. Talks with several artists, and a lot more.
BABYMETAL will be streaming special commentary from journalists for 5 nights in a row.