SU-METAL And MOAMETAL Share Their Opinion On Whether Non-Metalheads Should Wear Metal Shirts
Needless to say, they are fine with it.
Needless to say, they are fine with it.
Johannes said they were “Very pleasant and very different.” and also noticed how diverse the fans are.
We also have more info on the pre-order bonuses and extended the pre-order period for THE ONE version. Full information.
Merchandise from BABYMETAL’s tour of the US last year has now been made available on the US store.
BABYMETAL’s first arena show in the US will be released as a DVD and blu-ray. There will also be a THE ONE version with more bonus items for members. It releases May 13th.
Many theaters in Japan closed because of Typhoon Hagibis, when the Forum stream was supposed to happen. As a result, they now offer refunds, and will show a “delayed viewing” next month.
No other information given yet on length or specific date, which will be shared later.
Album release, first arena show in the US, new songs, streaming live to theaters in Japan, you can say it was a good night to watch BABYMETAL.
In a recent Tweet they mention they want to support BABYMETAL playing in the world. They specifically advertise Seattle, as they recently launched a Tokyo – Seattle non-stop daily flight.
This post will always be at the top for easy access to this important information. Links to for tickets to all shows as well as information on the album. If you are a new fan, or want to see some fun links, there are many here too!