December is getting quite full of BABYMETAL content. This is the 3rd magazine in which BABYMETAL appears in, along with METAL HAMMER JAPAN Vol. 4, and PMC Vol. 18, on all of which they appear on the cover.
This one has a lot of content, over 100 pages of it! Including interview with SU-METAL, MOAMETAL, and KOBAMETAL. Guitar technically analysis and video lessons done by members of the Kami Band. And more!
Title: Young Guitar January 2021 Issue
Release Date: December 10th
Price: ¥1,200
Purchase Links: Amazon Japan – CD Japan
- Cover
- Opening Feature “10th Anniversary: the unique and rare group has opened up” – Lookback on history
- SU-METAL & MOAMETAL: Ten Years of History in Ten Key Words
- In-depth Review of Albums & Videos
- KOBAMETAL Special Interview: What is “Guitar” in BABYMETAL?
- “10 BABYMETAL YEARS” Guitar Technique Analysis – Transcription & Commentary by Leda
- [Guitar Score] 3 Songs from BABYMETAL’s Best Album in Full!:
- Gimme Chocolate!!
- PA PA YA!!
Extra Kami Band Contents:
- [Special Video Lessons] Three talented musicians teach you useful phrases – A collection of warm-up exercises straight from the super-tech guitarists:
- “Two-handed Combination” Instructor: ISAO
- “Left Handed Focused Exercises” Instructor: Satoshi Oka
- “Right Hand-Centered Exercise” Instructor: Yusuke Hiraga
Press Release:
Young Guitar 2021 January issue features BABYMETAL on the cover and at the beginning of the issue, ahead of the release of the best album “10 BABYMETAL YEARS” celebrating its 10th anniversary, with over 100 pages of special feature! There are 15,000 words of exclusive and latest interview with SU-METAL & MOAMETAL, special interview with producer KOBAMETAL, guitarist Leda’s analysis of the guitar performance of the songs on the best album, and detailed discography reviewed by several professional guitarists, and more. Three scores “Gimichoko! ! THE ONE”, “PA PA YA!! (feat. F.HERO)” are all selected from the best-of-its-kind discs, a must-see for fans.
In the web video-linked performance project “Cho-Tech Guitarist’s Warm-Up Exercise Collection”, three amazing guitarists, ISAO, Satoshi Oka, and Yusuke Hiraga, will perform lessons on themes such as left-handed, right-handed, and two-handed combinations.
Kami Band Tweets:
victory · December 4, 2020 at 7:45 PM
mmm Amazon says out of stock, and PMC doesn’t ship outside Japan. Are these two mag impossible to purchase?
BABYMETAL News · December 4, 2020 at 9:55 PM
For those that can’t you could either buy with a service such as Tenso (, or wait and see if CD Japan may get them when they release.
SavageAmusement · December 9, 2020 at 10:32 PM
Young Guitar Babymetal issue is now available for pre-order on Amazon Japan.
BABYMETAL News · December 10, 2020 at 12:57 AM
Thanks!! Posted on social media 😀
It’s also on CD Japan now